40° 58' 06" N; 8° 09' 45" W
Alvarenga is a Portuguese parish in the municipality of Arouca, located in the sub-region of the Porto Metropolitan Area, in the North region, with an area of 38.77 km² and 1057 inhabitants (2021 census). Its population density is 27.3 inhabitants/km².
It was a town and county seat between 1514 and 1836. It was made up of the parishes of Alvarenga, Canelas, Espiunca and Janarde.
Trancoso pillory
Mills career
Bridge over the Paiva River
Quinta da Picota - future Quinta-Museum of the Arouquesa Breed.
Points of interest
Paradinha river beach (Rio Paiva)
Paiva Walkways
GR 28 Pedestrian Route
516 Arouca Bridge
Places in the parish of Alvarenga:
Achã; Aguieiras; Albiqueisros; Boavista (ou Cortes); Bouças; Bustelo; Cabanas Longas;
Caminho Novo; Carreira dos Moinhos; Carreiros; Carvalhais; Carvalhinho; Casais; Cefras;
Coelheiras; Cortegaça; Donim; Eiró; Espiunca; Fonte Tinta; Fonte de Vales; Fraga; Fraguinha;
Fundo da Vila; Gandarela; Gola; Granja; Guiamonde; Lebrém; Maninho; Miudal; Moledo;
Noninha; Pade; Paço; Paradinha; Pessegueiro; Pirraça; Quintela; Ribeira; Santo; Santo António;
Sobral; Trancoso; Travessa; Vale de Froias; Várzeas; Vau; Vila; Vila Galêga; Vila Nova
Vilar de Servos; Vilares; Vitego.
N 40.935743; W 8.173162
Paradinha is a remote village, located in the parish of Alvarenga, far from the hustle and bustle of the cities. It is located in a small valley, next to the Paiva River, the least polluted river in Portugal and one of the least polluted in Europe.
There are currently no residents here. The people who lived here and dedicated themselves to cultivating the land, raising Arouquês cattle, pastoralism and honey production and wax making left long ago, in search of better living conditions.
The village was left deserted and therefore became available for reconstruction. For this reason, several people have bought houses, with the aim of having a peaceful place to spend a few days of leisure and, also, to return the village's traditions, uses and customs.
The exterior reconstruction of the houses has respected the old design and the original materials: slate, wood and slate. However, the interior already has the comfort and characteristics of today. Road access is good, the alleys are paved, there is electricity, water, sewage and telephones. Some of the houses are available for local accommodation. Comfortable, nothing is missing. Currently you can also enjoy the Syntony Hotels – Paradinha Village tourist complex.
The slate and slate houses create a magical setting. In the background, the whisper of the crystal clear waters of the Paiva River. Early in the morning, the birds chirping. The threshing floors, granaries, ovens and cellars gain new life.
At the entrance to the village, there is a chapel in honor of Our Lady of Health, whose festival takes place in August. A good time to visit this village. Also in August, music accompanies the glide of waters in the «Sons da Água» concert, which brings together hundreds of people here. It's the rebirth of Paradinha, a village not to be missed!
Schist and slate dominate the houses of Paradinha, a village in the parish of Alvarenga, in Arouca, born on the mountain and leaning against it. The Paiva River and the natural mountain landscape create a special setting for this small village, which is a corner of another time to discover.
During the trip, start by soaking up the magnificent view as you take an old road dotted with curves and curves. To start the visit, you can go up to the “Mira Paiva” viewpoint, a panoramic point over the entire area up to the Paiva River, on its right bank. From this location, enjoy a wide panoramic view, from where you can observe the village of Paradinha, with its shale and slate houses, the small terraced cultivation fields and the river beach.
Then go down to the town. In addition to the traditional houses, here you will find many signs of the old traditions and daily life of the place, such as millstones, mills, ox carts, plows and other utensils linked to agriculture, but also threshing floors, canastros, granaries, ovens, cellars, fireplaces and wine presses. olive oil that were part of everyday life in other times. The auditory landscape is marked by the constant flow of the waters of the Paiva River, peaceful music to the ears of those who walk through the village. The sound has already enchanted many people who, in August, attended the “Sons da Água” concert, which takes place on the river beach. The Paiva River, in addition to providing color and freshness to the place, is also a stage for the practice of various extreme sports. Don't miss the opportunity to walk the trails and enjoy the colors of nature in the diversity of vegetation that the village embraces, making it a place of rare beauty.
The tradition is cultivated in tasks linked to the production of various typical products, such as olive oil, honey and candles, in addition to weaving linen and nets. The annual work combines with the traditional activities of the village, which include sowing, leaf removal, harvesting, pig slaughter and fishing. A festive time to visit Paradinha is during the festival in honor of its patron saint, Senhora da Saúde, which takes place in August, and which, for one day, fills the village and its small chapel.
Aldeia da Paradinha is located 50 meters from the Paiva River (one of the least polluted rivers in Europe) and 5 km from Passadiços do Paiva and Ponte Suspensa 516 Arouca;
Inhabitants: Seasonally occupied village without permanent residents;
Accommodation: Local accommodation and a hotel complex;
Points of interest in Aldeia da Paradinha:
Paradinha Chapel - Our Lady of Health;
Shale and slate houses in Aldeia da Paradinha;
Arouca Geopark;
Paiva River.
River beaches:
Paradinha River Beach;
Viewpoints: Geosite G38 - Miradouro "Mira Paiva" - Paradinha.
Ichnofossils: Geosite G37 - Cabanas Longas Ichnofossils.
Mountain and shale villages near Aldeia da Paradinha:
Arouca Municipality: Covelo de Paivó, Regoufe, Meitriz, Janarde, Drave;
Municipality of São Pedro do Sul: Covas do Monte, Covas do Rio, Fujaco, Pena.

Aguada de Baixo;
Alvarenga + Paradinha;
Arões + Trebilhadouro;
Arouca + Meitriz;
Arouca Unesco Global Geopark;
Castelo de Paiva;
Costa Nova;
Covelo de Paivó + Janarde + Drave;
Fábrica da Vista Alegre;
Freita Mountain (Serra da Freita);
Oiã (Oliveira do Bairro);
Oliveira de Azeméis;
Oliveira do Bairro;
Palhaça (Aveiro);
Pateira de Fermentelos;
Praia da Barra;
Praia da Vagueira;
Ria de Aveiro;
Santa Maria da Feira;
São João da Madeira;
Sever do Vouga;
Sosa (Vagos);
Vale de Cambra;
Oliveira de Azeméis;
Oliveira do Bairro;
Palhaça (Aveiro);
Pateira de Fermentelos;
Praia da Barra;
Praia da Vagueira;
Ria de Aveiro;
Santa Maria da Feira;
São João da Madeira;
Sever do Vouga;
Sosa (Vagos);
Vale de Cambra;
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