Saturday, 24 October 2020


N 40.54585º; W 8.66245º

Soza, also officially referred to as Sosa, is a Portuguese village, seat of the Parish of Soza in the Municipality of Vagos, a parish with an area of 22.03 km² and 2817 inhabitants (2021 census), thus having a population density of 127. 9 inhabitants/km².

The village of Soza was again elevated to the category of town on June 12, 2009.

The Romans left their mark in these parts. In the place where the cemetery is located, they would have built a defense construction. This place, still today, is known as " Crasta ", in a towering place, there is the place of " Cubelos " (tower of the old fortress) and next to Aldeia do Boco there is the place of " Ferrarias " where ships were made or repaired . Of the old couples, which stood to the west of the Main Church, nothing exists, everything has disappeared. When excavations were carried out to establish the walls of the current cemetery, brick sarcophagi based on clay with a limestone cover with characters considered indecipherable and ceramic vases next to the bones were discovered. According to some experts, these sarcophagi were Gothic tombs.

The first document that talks about Sosa dates back to 1088.

In 1192 D. Sancho I, donated Sosa to the friars of Rocamador «. The king, concerned about the settlement of this region and wanting to give a reward to the Flemings who helped him in the conquest of Silves, when they were on their way to the Holy Land in service of the Crusades, handed over to them the seafront of Sosa, where forests and animals abounded. wild.

The friars founded a Church and a Hospital next to the sea (today the marinas of the Boco canal). According to the chronicles, these buildings were destroyed by an earthquake or tsunami. The friars then came to occupy the factual Church, which became a center for pilgrimages. Fortunately, from this time on, it was possible to find the primitive Image of Our Lady of Rocamador, which is kept in the museum room of the current Parish Church.

The great wealth of the order of Rocamador, which came to have houses in Coimbra, Porto, Lisbon, Torres Vedras and Guarda, all dependent on Sosa, subverted the original spirit and, therefore, D. Afonso V, although indirectly, succeeded in August 1481, the extinction of the order, by bull of Pope Sixtus IV.

The charter of Vila de Sosa. The charter was donated to this town by D. Manuel I on February 16, 1514.

It was a town and county seat between 1514 and 1855. It consisted of just one parish and had, in 1801, 3864 inhabitants. After the administrative reforms of the beginning of liberalism, the parish of Vila Nova da Palhaça, previously belonging to Esgueira, was annexed. In 1849, it had 4228 inhabitants.

The old municipality of Sosa ended with the administrative reform of 1853. On this date, the parishes of Palhaça and Mamarrosa passed to the municipality of Oliveira do Bairro. Sosa was placed in the municipality of Vagos. Almost everything has disappeared from this old municipality. Even the documents from the archives of the extinct administration of the municipality of Vagos were sold for wrapping and paper pulp, by an unconscious and self-interested administrator.

In July 2022, Aldeia do Boco was officially recognized as a Village of Portugal and became part of the National Network of Villages of Portugal, which aims to promote and enhance the cultural and human heritage of the villages, through the involvement of the entire community. local community. The recognition was made official on July 17th, as part of an initiative by the Boco Festival Commission.

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